Engaging employees in litter cleanups can foster team spirit, boost morale, and instill a sense of pride and purpose in contributing to a cleaner community, reinforcing commitment to corporate social responsibility. Choose a problem area in your community to clean up once a month. Litter Free Land and Sea is happy to assist with cleanup supplies.
Litter Free Land and Sea arranges several events throughout the year, including the secure your load : free tarp event, the annual countywide cleanup, litter education campaigns, and more! These events aim to reduce litter, educate, and provide valuable resources to the community.
Our partners drive change by setting an example! What can you do in your business to reduce, reuse, and recycle? Are there adequate trash and recycling receptacles at your business? Is your business area clean and free from loose debris? Commit to being a Litter-Free Business and take the "Keep Carteret Clean Pledge".